Thursday, July 7, 2011

Day 17- Your equestrian idol

As I was thinking over this post- I realized that I don't have and equestrian idol. I plan to answer this is two ways and I hope thats ok :)

Someone who I look up to through out my riding has been my grandma. She has been my biggest supporter through all of my riding... she would help pay for things, bought me my first saddle(among many other things) and most importantly she would get up at 4 or 5 am with me and take me to horse shows (yes that included hanging out all day as well while I rode). I am not sure I would have shown at all if it wasn't for her. She is also one of the most important people in my life- love her so much and am SO thankful for her, in my riding and in life!

Also there is the rider that i would like to be ... 

  • Confident
  • Good Eq
  • Competent
  • Effective
  • Competitive 

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